Setbacks – what do you do when they happen? When life goes pear shaped, and you have to deal with setbacks, it’s tempting to slide into self-blame and dejection.
‘I wasn’t good enough.’
‘I should have done more.’
‘I’m not capable.’
None of these statements are true!
Setbacks are part of Your Destiny
Often life gives you a sharp dropkick in the butt, in the form of a setback, to move you nearer to your destiny. But when you switch from frustration and into a sense of curiosity – about how your so-called failure is simply feedback you can learn from, and what sort of life you want to create for yourself – you can start thinking…
And you can start planning…
About how best to use the experience to move forward, what steps will get you from A to B. Success is always built on the back of failure.
Setbacks happen to the Best People
Walt Disney was fired from one job because he supposedly ‘lacked imagination and had no good ideas.’ Oprah Winfrey was sacked as a television journalist because she was deemed ‘unfit for television.’ J. K. Rowling’s first Harry Potter book was rejected a dozen times as it wasn’t considered ‘bestseller material.’ Go figure!
There’s a setback, and then a time lag between a supposed failure and success – a space in which to plan. To see how you’ll move from setback to comeback. To see what works and what needs improvement. To adjust and move forward. And, most critically, to keep going and learn what you need to along the way.
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And there’s more…
Do you have a secret desire to write a book? Then everything you need to know about writing a book is right here - click on the link: 40 Days To A Finished Book!
Want to create big change in your life and have yourself some freedom from the daily 9 to 5 grind? Click on the link: Learn how to step into your best life by gaining the skills that you need!
If you need inspiration, then look no further than Marie Forleo’s latest book: Everything is Figureoutable. This gal has been through it and has come out the other side, building a multi-million business in the process. This book will help you to overcome a negative occurrence and reveal your inner brilliance to the world.
So, now’s the time to make a plan. And for that I recommend The Bullet Journal Method: Track Your Past, Order Your Present, Plan Your Future – Ryder Carroll: In his long-awaited first book, Ryder Carroll, the creator of the enormously popular Bullet Journal organisational system, explains how to use his method to: Track Your Past using nothing more than a pen and paper, create a clear, comprehensive, and organised record of your thoughts and goals; Order Your Present by prioritising and minimising your workload and tackling your to-do list in a more mindful and productive way; Plan Your Future, establish and appraise your short-term and long-term goals, plan more complex projects simply and effectively, and live your life with meaning and purpose. You need this book! More here:
Of course, you’ll need a bullet journal in which to plan! The best of the best in my opinion is the Leuchturm 1917 A5 Dotted Notebook. It’s a total pleasure to use, and you can keep it close by to help keep you on track:
Need to create your own kick in the butt? Take a look at the 10 Best Self-Help Books here - please click on the link: 10 Best Self-Help Books (
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© Ruthy Baker 2020