Medium Rare – Ronnie Buckingham
I’m thrilled to say that the latest book, which I co-authored with the amazing spiritualist medium, Ronnie Buckingham, achieved Amazon Bestseller status within two days. I’m doing the happy dance!
It’s been a wonderful journey helping Ronnie to write his autobiography. I discovered so much about this incredible man, who has dedicated himself to helping others to heal by connecting them with their loved ones who have passed over.
Why I decided to help Ronnie write his book
The really strange thing about all of this is that I help others to overcome an over-dependence on psychics. Although I have an interest in all things spiritual and psychic, I also maintain a healthy skepticism and am not easily convinced. It was quite by chance that I attended one of Ronnie’s clairvoyance evenings. Dragged along by a friend, I received a long and detailed message from a dear friend, who had passed over fifteen years ago. The message was astoundingly accurate. Ronnie told me things that absolutely nobody else knew about. He was definitely, without doubt, the real deal.
When he mentioned that in his earlier years he had spent time in prison, I knew I had to write his story. I made a request to the Universe to make this happen. Lo and behold, within two weeks, Ronnie and I were discussing the outline of his story. Totally amazing! So far the book has over 120 five star reviews. I’m so grateful for all the lovely peeps who have taken the time to give a review. Here’s the link:
From the Back Cover
Medium Rare is the true story of Ronnie Buckingham. From childhood to a life of crime, with time spent behind bars, until finally finding his true life purpose. A healer of hearts through his work as a well-known and highly regarded spiritualist medium. A boy growing up between the crossfire of his family’s raging battles, a chance meeting with a champion bodybuilder became the impetus for this scrawny child to transform himself. Eventually leading him to a combined career as a nightclub bouncer and villain, interspersed with several spells in prison for various crimes, including robbery.
A failed marriage followed by a series of tumultuous relationships, redundancy, the decision to keep on the straight and narrow, together with a few near-death misses, brought Ronnie to the edge. With his head in his hands, he questioned who he was and what he had become. Seeking answers, he knocked on the door of a local spiritualist medium for guidance.
A Twist of Fate
One door leads to another. In a strange twist of fate, Lyn turned out to be the senior member of a spiritualist medium development circle. Upon first meeting Ronnie, she recognised his amazing gift and encouraged him to join. Most mediums take many years to develop their ability. Yet it was only a matter of months before Lyn pushed her fledgling onto the stage to demonstrate his incredible talent. Ronnie had finally taken the first step of his true soul’s journey.
Since that early foray into working with spirit, Ronnie has worked all over Europe. He has appeared in numerous television shows and radio appearances and continues to give mediumship demonstrations to large audiences. He astounds people with the accuracy of his messages from their friends and relatives on the other side. With his extraordinary ability to deliver mind-blowing proof beyond all doubt from the spirit world, Ronnie Buckingham certainly is a medium most rare.
Let me know how spiritualism enhances your life - I'd love to hear from you. And if there's a particular issue or subject that you'd like me to explore in a blog, please drop me a line!
Sending you big love...
p.s. Ronnie Buckingham and Yours Truly are working on the next book right now and we'll keep you updated!
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© Ruthy Baker 2021