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Ten Ways to Achieve Self-Awareness

Updated: Jan 26

What is self-awareness and why should you want to improve yours?

Self-awareness is the ability to see yourself clearly and understand the way others see you; it leads to increased confidence, creativity, stronger relationships, and better communication.

Self-awareness enables self-correction. It's the North Star of your inner being, guiding you to the peak of self-growth.

Here are ten habits that will help you promote your own self-awareness to improve your life:

1. Journal

Journalling is a great way to find out more about what your subconscious is feeling and thinking. It also allows you to look back and read about your experiences and reactions. Keep track of your emotions, thoughts, and energy levels to learn even more.

Writing things down can also help to get unhelpful thoughts out of your head and come up with solutions to problems. Journalling about the following tips on this list can help to clarify who you are and who you want to be.

2. Analyse Your Triggers

Sometimes when certain characteristics irk you in other people, those are the same traits that you subconsciously dislike about yourself. Note these traits and do some inner work to analyse why they are so triggering to you. If you find they are behaviours you exhibit as well, work on replacing them with more desirable behaviours.

3. Take Constructive Feedback

Seek honest feedback about yourself and really listen. On your journey to self-awareness, other people may see you far more clearly than you see yourself.

Take this feedback and decide if that is how you want to be perceived or if there are things about yourself that you would like to improve upon. Make sure you talk to a variety of people who know you in different facets of your life to get the clearest picture of how others view you.

4. Consider The Bad

A key way to gain self-awareness is to reflect on the things wrong in your life. Unhappy or unhealthy relationships, life dissatisfaction, general unhappiness, etc. Your problems reflect what is going on inside of you.

For instance, say your partner cheats but you cannot find your way to leaving that person, this can tell you so much about yourself, including how you feel about yourself, your level of self-respect, that perhaps you don’t believe you deserve anything better and much more. We do not learn nearly as much from the fortunate parts of our lives as we do from those that are not.

5. Be Intentional

Set goals and follow through with them. Being self-aware entails being more intentional with your actions and your thoughts. Understanding why you set a goal can be as crucial as the goal itself. Discover the motivation behind the goals and use that to keep you on track and determined to achieve them.

Say your goal is to get top marks in a particular class this year and the motivation behind it is getting into the university that you have always wanted to go to. Understanding the motivation keeps you aware of how important that goal is to you and will help keep you accountable.

6. Determine Your Core Values

One of the major ways that can help you unveil deeper self-awareness is determining your core values.

What does everything come back to for you? What means the most to you in relationships, your career, and your everyday life? It’s easy to lose sight of those most important values in your day-to-day life, but alignment with them is vital in order to accomplish more meaningful goals.

Make your individual core values should be the basis for all the decisions you make.

7. Expand Your Comfort Zone

Promote self-awareness by expanding your comfort zone. Find new things that can add to your life. Get in the habit of saying yes to new opportunities. Travel, learn something, meet people. The more you try, the more you will find out about yourself. There are so many experiences to be had that you won’t find just repeating the same routine day after day.

“Most everything that you want is just outside your comfort zone.” – Jack Canfield

8. Mindfulness

Mindfulness improves your awareness of the present moment. It can also help you learn what you really want out of life. The American Psychological Association found that mindfulness improves focus and memory, reduces stress, improves relationship satisfaction, and enhances self-insight, morality, and intuition. Being able to access self-insight, morality, and intuition is one way to find out what you value the most.

9. Be an Active Listener

Self-aware people often listen more than they talk. It’s important for them to be present and intentionally listen to conversations. Hold your judgements and opinions and just listen to others. You’ll be surprised by what you can learn. Imposing your own beliefs or attitudes on others disrupts active listening. Avoid this being more self-aware and stop yourself when you are about to interject your own biases.

10. Be Honest with Yourself

Be honest with yourself about your strengths and your weaknesses. Being self-aware is impossible if you are not honest with yourself.

There are a few steps you can take to improve your self-honesty: consider the possibility that you may be wrong, don’t shut yourself down against viewpoints you disagree with, look for evidence to support the opinion of others, listen to people you can trust.

These tips can help you become more authentic with yourself and promote self-awareness in the long run.

Final Thought

If you are really looking to learn more about yourself and how others see you, the tips above are a great place to start. Employ a few of these suggestions for a few weeks and you will understand more about why you and others behave in certain ways.

Use your new levels self-awareness to be a better friend, partner, co-worker, leader, or whatever you set out to become. Creating new habits is the quickest way to achieve personal growth in all areas of your life.

Journal Questions for You:

  • Are you as you see yourself, or are you really as other people see you?

  • How can you use self-awareness to improve your relationships with others?

  • How can you use self-awareness to improve your relationship with yourself?

Self-awareness enables self-correction. It's the North Star of your inner being, guiding you to the peak of self-growth. - Ruthy Baker

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And there’s more…

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Introducing 5 hypnosis audios to kick start your personal development with this Self-Growth Hypnosis Pack.

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Gratitude Attitude - learn how to move away from a sense of entitlement to life's riches and dissatisfaction that follows, and re-discover the hidden pleasures in the most unexpected places.

Reinvent Yourself - use hypnosis to take a virtual stroll through the future you'd like and see for yourself what it feels like. Mentally lay down the path that will take you there.

Declutter Your Life - learn to let go of the trivial, the unnecessary and downright garbage and let your mind, body and life enjoy the newly created space.

Awakening Intuition - when there's something significant going on that reaches your unconscious mind but not your conscious, maybe it's time to pay attention and trust your instinct. Logic is not always right.

All you need to do is pop on your headphones and listen to each audio session. You will listen to a short introduction to provide a psychological insight into your self- growth, and then experience a deeply relaxing and powerful hypnosis session, to prepare your mind and body for the future you want.

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Listen to the 5 audios from the 'Self-Growth' hypnosis pack daily over the next 3 weeks and see how you feel at the end. Start by listening to one session a day, then after listening to them all, repeat the ones that resonate with you most. Be curious about which part of the new you will show itself first.

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© Ruthy Baker 2023

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